Finalists for the Beaconsfield Cultural Centre Competition

In recent months, our team has worked tirelessly to submit our finalist proposal for the second stage of the multidisciplinary architecture competition for the new cultural center in Beaconsfield. The decision to position the building, its parking area, and the boat launch on the eastern side of the site arises from careful consideration of the future of Centennial Park and its development potential.
With its seemingly simple geometry and four distinct facades each oriented toward different horizons and landscapes, along with a contemplative fifth facade on the roof, the project engages in a continuous dialogue with its surroundings. Ultimately, it presents itself as a reimagined contemporary villa, reflecting the current values of democracy, transparency, sustainability and accessibility that define our era.
Located on the disused section of the marina, the project is envisioned as a vital catalyst for development. The new cultural center will not only revitalize a significant portion of this site but also gently transform how the community engages with Centennial Park. This park is cherished by the local community, and rather than undergoing drastic changes, it will be complemented and enhanced by the new project.
From a landscape perspective, which naturally dominates the overall composition, Centennial Park and the marina will ultimately serve as an urban refuge where nature, culture, and history intersect. Drawing inspiration from the aesthetics of English romantic gardens, this space will host community and cultural events. With sweeping views of the river, every aspect of the park has been designed to integrate local ecology and hydrology seamlessly while honoring its historical heritage and establishing a new multifunctional cultural center, thereby becoming a cornerstone of social and intellectual life in Beaconsfield.